HBsAg Test Strip (Test in Whole Blood) |
HBsAg-213 | Innovation Biotech | 3.0mm (single pouch) 100pouches/box | EUR 0.1 |
Gentarget Laboratories manufactures the igg iga igm blood test reagents distributed by Genprice. The Igg Iga Igm Blood Test reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact igm antibody. Other Igg products are available in stock. Specificity: Igg Category: Iga Group: Igm Blood
CTK Biotech | 96 | EUR 540 |
CTK Biotech | 96 | EUR 540 |
Dengue IgM ELISA Test |
CTK Biotech | 96 | EUR 595 |
Chik IgM ELISA Test |
CTK Biotech | 96 | EUR 580 |
Mikrogen Diagnostik recomLine Yersinia IgA (IgM) 2.0 Lateral Strip Test Kit |
Genovis AB | 20 Tests | EUR 440 |
HIV Test Whole Blood Card |
Innovation Biotech | 4.0mm (strip in a card) 25cards/box | EUR 0.32 |
Hepatitis A Virus IgG and IgM (HAV IgG + IgM) Rapid Test Kit |
Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 650 |
Filariasis IgG / IgM Rapid Test Kit |
abx092257-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 2450 |
Filariasis IgG / IgM Rapid Test Kit |
abx092257-1ml | Abbexa | 1 ml | EUR 32500 |
Filariasis IgG / IgM Rapid Test Kit |
abx092257-200l | Abbexa | 200 µl | EUR 8400 |
Leptospira IgG / IgM Rapid Test Kit |
abx092260-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 2450 |
Leptospira IgG / IgM Rapid Test Kit |
abx092260-1ml | Abbexa | 1 ml | EUR 32500 |
Leptospira IgG / IgM Rapid Test Kit |
abx092260-200l | Abbexa | 200 µl | EUR 8400 |
Human Monkeypox Virus IgG/IgM (MPXV IgG/IgM) Rapid Test Kit |
abx092183-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 1000 |
Human Monkeypox Virus IgG/IgM (MPXV IgG/IgM) Rapid Test Kit |
abx092183-1ml | Abbexa | 1 ml | EUR 12000 |
Human Monkeypox Virus IgG/IgM (MPXV IgG/IgM) Rapid Test Kit |
abx092183-200l | Abbexa | 200 µl | EUR 3500 |
Toxoplasma gondii IgG/IgM (T. gondii IgG/IgM) Rapid Test Kit |
abx092270-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 1487.5 |
Toxoplasma gondii IgG/IgM (T. gondii IgG/IgM) Rapid Test Kit |
abx092270-1ml | Abbexa | 1 ml | EUR 20000 |
Toxoplasma gondii IgG/IgM (T. gondii IgG/IgM) Rapid Test Kit |
abx092270-200l | Abbexa | 200 µl | EUR 5100 |
Human Cytomegalovirus IgG / IgM, Toxoplasma IgG / IgM, Rubella IgG Rapid Test Kit |
abx092078-20tests | Abbexa | 20 tests | EUR 410.4 |
Fecal Occult Blood (FOB) Rapid Test Kit |
abx092198-100l | Abbexa | 100 µl | EUR 287.5 |
Fecal Occult Blood (FOB) Rapid Test Kit |
abx092198-1ml | Abbexa | 1 ml | EUR 2280 |
Fecal Occult Blood (FOB) Rapid Test Kit |
abx092198-200l | Abbexa | 200 µl | EUR 675 |
HSV-1 IgG/IgM Rapid Test, Cs |
R0203C | CTK Biotech | 30 | EUR 0.65 |